Austin County Jail Museum
36 South Bell Street
Bellville, Texas 77418
Hours open: Saturdays 11:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m.
The Austin County Jail Museum is a local visitor attraction open Saturdays and manned by volunteers. If you are interested in hosting tours at the Jail Museum one Saturday per month, please contact Don Allphin at 979-877-5642 or Bruce Noviskie at 713-385-7141. You will be given an orientation to begin. This historical county landmark in Austin County is a visitor’s treasure. The exhibits are fun and educational and your time will be a gift to you and to our county. For more information contact Don Allphin at 979-877-5642 or Bruce Noviskie at 713-385-7141.
2020 Austin County Jail Museum Board Members: President - Bruce Noviskie, Vice President - Maurine Brack, Board Members - Milton Beckendorff, Joan Buenger, Vance Cooper, Charles Holmes, and Becky Larson