Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you


Left to Right:  Commissioner Reed (Pct. 4), Commissioner Cerny (Pct. 3), County Judge Lapham,  Commissioner Rinn (Pct. 2), Commissioner Mikel (Pct. 1)

Commissioner's Court is held at the Austin County Courthouse, One East Main, Bellville, Texas 77418

Judge Tim Lapham
Annual Road and Bridge Reports are available for viewing at the Austin County Clerks Office


Commissioner, Precinct 1
Greg Mikel

One East Main Street
Bellville, Texas  77418
(979) 530-8041

Commissioner, Precinct 2
Robert "Bobby" Rinn
P.O. Box 275
Industry, TX 78944
Barn - 979-357-4780
Office- 979-357-4785

Commissioner, Precinct 3
Leroy Cerny
166 Jefferson
Cat Spring, TX 78933
Barn - 979-865-5441

Commissioner, Precinct 4
Chip Reed
P.O. Box 754
Wallis, TX 77485
Barn - 979-885-3829
Office - 979-885-3829